
What are hex dumbbells

August 02, 2022

With so much gym equipment on the market today, it can be confusing to select what weights and machines to use for your workout, let alone choose how to outfit your home gym. Let’s see what hex dumbbells are, if they are any different than normal dumbbells and whether they are worth the investment.

What are hex dumbbells?

These dumbbells are hexagon-shaped, which is where they get their name — they feature six same-length sides that constitute the typical hex shape. Hex dumbbells are made in different sizes, weights and even materials. Different materials include cast iron, rubber, vinyl- and neoprene-plated, to name a few. As long as they maintain the same shape, they are hex dumbbells.

Choosing the right hex dumbbell for you will depend on the type of workout you do, the type of feeling and texture you like on your hands from your weight, and what the surface of your home gym is like. 

Are rubber hex dumbbells good?

One of the best things about hex dumbbells is that they don’t roll away like a round dumbbell would. This is perfect for exercises like a plank with dumbbells, and it’s also great for your safety. Hex dumbbells are sometimes more affordable too and come in a variety of different weights so you can experiment with different exercises and not have to commit to a weight you are not comfortable with.

Just like a regular dumbbell, hex dumbbells are perfect for free weight exercises and strength building, as well as powerlifting. As you can imagine, they will be the same weight as their regular counterparts, but you may choose a hex dumbbell if you have specific use for them, like doing a renegade row exercises or you simply want your weights to not roll away. 

Hex dumbbells vs adjustable dumbbells 

When comparing to adjustable dumbbells, hex dumbbells are sometimes called fixed dumbbells too, because you can’t change their weight. Choosing one or the other depends on your budget, space constraints, and your workout routine. For example, if you know what you are doing, you can go ahead with a set of hex dumbbells. Plus, they are more durable than adjustable dumbbells which sometimes feature low quality locks and could have plates that rattle. Adjustable dumbbells are great for your home gym if you want to save space and you’re not yet sure which exercises or weights you will be committing to. However, sometimes they are difficult to repurpose for any and all exercise, which is where hex dumbbells would shine. 

At the end of the day, consider what your workout rouine is, what exercises you want to focus on, and what weights are required for this. With hex dumbbells, you can’t go wrong and they will last you forever if you take care of them!

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