
Hyperextension workout and equipment

October 02, 2022

Back extension, hyperextension… Is it good? Is it bad? Let’s find out what a hyperextension workout is, what the benefits are, and if you can do it at home. 

Hyperextension exercise

Hyperextension targets your posterior chain — the back of the body — and involves training your joints in a way that surpasses the normal range of motion. Many people focus only on training the anterior muscle groups — at the front of our body — but training the back muscle groups such as glutes, lats, calves, and hamstrings is just as important, especially because it can protect your lower back from injury! 

Hyperextension benefits

Hyperextension is extremely effective at building strength, protecting your key muscle groups and in turn organs, and contributing to the overall health of your spine and joints. Hyperextension also allows you greater control of your body, which we can never have enough of! 

Hyperextension workout at home

How to prepare for a hyperextension workout

To try a hyperextension workout at home, first, start with a warm-up session. We recommend warming up and stretching before every workout you do, but with hyperextension, this is particularly important as you are asking your joints to surpass the normal range of motion. Warming up and starting the training with only your body weight will prevent injuries, and allow you to stabilize and focus on your core engagement, before adding more load to training. After all, learning the wrong form and then adding weight on top is just calling for injury! 

Hyperextension exercises

In the fitness world, hyperextension commonly refers to the back extension exercise, although your spine stays within a normal range of motion. Below we will list a few ways you can try back extension exercises. All of the exercises mentioned can be successfully performed both at the gym, and at home, if you have the right equipment. 

Hyperextension is also often applied to glute training, which also works your core, and carefully trains your lower back in the process, if done correctly. A few of our favourite exercises are:

  • Donkey kicks

  • Fire hydrant

  • Back extension on a workout bench (an adjustable bench is great so you can change the angle at which you do the extension)

  • Back extension on the floor

  • Back extension on a stability ball

  • Reverse hyperextensions


Overall, hyperextension is an awesome way to add something new to your workout and with back extensions specifically, you can greatly improve your lumbar strength, earning a great posture and spine health in the process!

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