Storm Series Freestanding Lat Pulldown and Low Row Machine with 300lb Weight Stack


BOLT STORM SERIES WIDOW FREESTANDING Lat Pulldown and Low Row Machine with 300lb Weight Stack

This versatile 2-in-1 machine combines a lat-pull-down and cable-row station, specifically engineered to focus on your biceps, deltoids, trapezius, and primarily your latissimus dorsi muscles.

The cable system integrates flawlessly with any standard 3x3 upright featuring 1-inch holes. Its core mechanism enables easy resistance adjustments, by alternating between 300 pounds of selectorized weight plates.

Constructed from 11-gauge stainless steel, this durable machine includes half-inch bolts and high-density steel cables encased in rubber, ensuring longevity. It supports various attachments like straight bars, rope handles, and V-bars to diversify your exercise routine and target an array of muscle groups.

If you are looking for one of most heavy duty lat pull down machine this would be it no expenses has been spared to manufacture it.

SPECS : Total WT: 660 Lbs. WD: 51 In LEN: 56 In HT: 97 In

Ideal for both commercial and home use, this equipment offers:

• A station for lat-pull-down exercises

• A station for cable-row exercises

• A pulley system with a 1:1 ratio

• Upholstery that is 2.5 inches thick

• A Bolt insignia etched by laser

• Durable, chip and rust-resistant powder-coated black pain


Brand: Gearforfit

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